What would it take you to give up your cell phone privacy? In some cases, this is an option in order to financially benefit you. In others, well, you’ve already given up on privacy with your vote.
Governments have sacrificed your phone privacy in favor of safety. There is a rise in phone tapping in order to sniff out terrorist attacks before they start. This is controversial and there are flaws in finding correct targets, but if there is a movement to end tapping phones, it will take time for the government to change according to the will of the people.
Employers also give employees the option to give up their personal phone privacy for the sake of business purposes. By offering financial restitution, employers can control what data is on their employees’ phones along with location information and other means to monitor them. While this doesn’t mean employers will automatically do unethical spying on their employees, it does invite the scenario. So you have to ask yourself, are these benefits truly worth being under the microscope? For a full article on this topic, click here:: Phone Privacy