Over the past year, many retailers have suffered from hackers obtaining the credit card information of several customers. In fact, the hackers have done so well that the black market on credit care info has become inflated. Miscreants are paying LESS MONEY to other miscreants for credit card information than ever before.
So where do they go next? Probably your doctor’s office. Medical information is some of the most private material a person can have (which also includes your address, birthdate, social security number, etc.) and most hospitals still use machines and software that are several generations old. That older software cannot protect itself from modern day hacker techniques.
So what’s the solution? While HIPAA regulations and other organizations are doing what they can, their security is still at risk. Write to your congressmen, contact local hospitals to see what you can organize, find out where to donate funding for newer computers and securer software. Read more about this issue and other solutions here.