Over 100 retail organizations have joined together to protect each other and share information regarding cybercrime. The Retail Cyber Intelligence Sharing Center (R-CISC) has been offering portal-based threat intelligence for retailers such as Target, Walgreens, Nike, and others for the past four months. R-CISC also shares threat information with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the F.B.I., and Secret Service.
This united front is a good sign and will help curb cyberattacks. By sharing information when a potential threat or breach occurs in one company, all the other members can be warned and lock themselves down. While the R-CISC can’t outright stop cyberattacks, it can help identify and stopgap vulnerabilities. Collaborating and uniting against cybercrime can make it more difficult for individuals to prey on our information. For a full article on this organization, click here:: Retailers Now Actively Sharing Cyberthreat Intelligence