With technology rising and the popularity of services like Amazon moving forward, there’s always the attempt to move forward. In this case, many are using drones to deliver packages and messages. However, many find these flying machines to be threatening to personal privacy. Enter the NoFlyZone.
NoFlyZone is a service that lets users input their addresses in order to keep the airspace above their homes drone-free. The purpose is for residents to keep their privacy, despite the irony of sharing their address with another company. While there is still a question on whether the NoFlyZone has any actual legal authority over some drone makers, it will at least give a figure for the number of people who oppose drones for officials within your community. As per usual, it is ultimately up for individuals in order to protect their privacy. For more about NoFlyZone, click here:: NoFlyZone aims to keep airspace over your home drone-free