Correspondent Lesley Stahl on CBS 60 Minutes reminds us yet again how easily our identities are compromised.
In her report Stahl focuses on the T.J. Maxx breach that happened over a year ago, which is not news. The real news is that her reports indicate that hackers can collect and sell personal identity information as easily today as back in 2005!
The article and videos are well done and worth a review, even if just as a reminder to use caution during this high volume shopping season.
We would reiterate our fairly simple plan to reduce your risk:
1. Get identity theft protection from TrustedID or LifeLock
2. Protect your personal information from prying eyes
3. Avoid the use of debit cards because most lack fraud protection
There is much more information on this site, our recent post about online shopping tips is a good place to start, but these simple steps will go a long way.