There have been a number of major data breaches over the past couple years. Target, Home Depot, and now Anthem have lost and compromised the personal information of millions of people. While they do take the blame for their security issues, there is one other factor to blame for your identity theft: you.
Any time you volunteer your personal information, you are putting it at risk and are putting your privacy on the line. While in today’s digital age, we require personal identification for online payments and other services; it is ultimately you who has to protect your data. Even when another company irresponsibly handles your data, you’re the one who gave it to them in the first place and believed them to be competent. This doesn’t mean excuse Target, Anthem, or anyone from their responsibility to their customers, however those customers need to continually monitor their accounts as well. For a full article about taking personal responsibility for identity theft, click here:: Why Everyone’s to Blame for Identity Theft